First, please make sure everyone is okay and, if needed, contact the emergency services on:
NZ: 111
AU: 000 (from an AU number)
AU:112 (from an international phone number)
Major accident:
Once everyone is safe and the emergency services have attended, please give us a call when possible. Our team will walk you through the next steps.
Minor accident:
If another vehicle was involved in the incident, make sure you get their full name, residential address, and phone number..
Report the incident to the police.
Where you can, take a photo of driver’s license(s) (or get the driver’s licence number), vehicle registration(s), and damage to yours and the third party’s vehicles.
Do not accept liability for the accident or accuse the third party.
Contact us to report the incident. Our team will send you a claims form that will need to be completed and sent back to us as soon as possible.
Contact us
Australia: 1800 150 850
New Zealand: 0800 399 736
International: +64 9374 4360